Wednesday 13 June 2007

Wire less or more?

I had a fairly heated argument today with my cousin about the future of wireless technologies, from what's just around the corner and far into the future. It was the recent news report about wireless energy sources which kicked this off.

The opposing point was wireless will and should be used for everything. I guess the point I wanted to make was it should only be used when it is best.

Say for example that my floor/dining table/laptop were coupled using some magnetic induction technology for power distribution, that sounds really cool to me but also it seems a complete waste when I have a socket under the table. A system that could perhaps switch 'power cells' on the floor to only transmit power in certain locales would help with this I suppose.

My concerns are:
a) Living (or dying?) in a constant high energy fluctuating magnetic field
b) People leeching my power from the side of my house
c) Complete and utter waste of energy during transfer

I think I'm going to go sketch my future house out...

Crash, out...

Monday 11 June 2007


I saw this on the news last night.

I agree on the legality part, Sony shouldn't have been so damn ignorant; to think that they were exempt from asking permission to use a scene without permission of the owner. As they are (loosely quoted) a 'non-profit organization' I suppose donation is their way of extracting 'royalties'. I can remember a similar claim about a scene in 'Soldier of fortune'.

From a religion stand point, I don't think it really comes into the argument; regardless of the fact that religion does indeed suck balls. Anyhow if games were more damn imaginative these days it 'shouldn't be a problem', If dumb-ass developer's stopped pushing 'real-world environments' onto everyone claiming that; scanning a city in 3D is 'next-gen'

On the other hand if a religious group claimed some form of damages because a scene in a game 'resembled' something sacred to them, then I would indeed feel more strongly about it.

crash, out...

Saturday 9 June 2007

I'm a Mac, and I'm impartial

I had to rant about this, it's been bugging me for weeks now. Why on Earth do Apple feel it necessary to attack a brand which doesn't exist? I'm talking of course about their latest spat of 'I'm a mac' ads. Now I'm in the most part a PC user, I am not a fan boy; but I find these ads well offensive to be honest.

Really there is no one 'PC' brand so it's almost as if Apple are attacking the PC community, this is why I feel so strongly about it. Now I'm not going to go down the usual route of bitching about the utter inaccuracy of some of the statements in the ad. Instead I'm just going to send out my point of view. If I wanted a machine that was easy to use and fully supported by a warranty etc. I would by a Mac, although if I wanted a computer I could upgrade myself a tweak I'd get a PC.

I short 'Buy what you want, not what they tell you that you need'.

crash, out...

Wheel's of progress...

There have been some really cool developments of the last week or two.
Wireless power is now finally within the grasp of researchers:

PC manafacturers have managed to squeeze a fuly featured PC Motherboard on to
a credit card form:

Scientists have managed to store digital data within neurons:

Not forgetting that awesome touch interface from my last blog, And I'm sure I've just scratched the surface there, whenever I have weeks like this; I always get crazy ideas floating around in my head.

Just imagine having your PC with you all the time. I'm not talking a mobile
phone with more features than a veritible swiss army knife. But your entire
PC keyboard/touch screen printed on a flexible sleeve of you jacket:

Better still high-fidelity video is fed to you via a headset:

Then better still with the ever increasing roll-out of wifi-hotspots, you'd
be online all the time.

Taking this a step further and with wireless power floating around you'd
never have to stop anywhere to charge the device! The lifestyle that this
technology implies is incredible; almost to the point of real cyborgs.

My only hope know is that some interface can be created for a viable power
source that can use ATP as it's input:

The implications of that would be huge, not just for powering your gadgets;
but just imagine if it could work the other way? Would people have to eat? or
could they just recharge on the way? Wow, now that's some serious food for

crash, out...