Saturday 9 June 2007

I'm a Mac, and I'm impartial

I had to rant about this, it's been bugging me for weeks now. Why on Earth do Apple feel it necessary to attack a brand which doesn't exist? I'm talking of course about their latest spat of 'I'm a mac' ads. Now I'm in the most part a PC user, I am not a fan boy; but I find these ads well offensive to be honest.

Really there is no one 'PC' brand so it's almost as if Apple are attacking the PC community, this is why I feel so strongly about it. Now I'm not going to go down the usual route of bitching about the utter inaccuracy of some of the statements in the ad. Instead I'm just going to send out my point of view. If I wanted a machine that was easy to use and fully supported by a warranty etc. I would by a Mac, although if I wanted a computer I could upgrade myself a tweak I'd get a PC.

I short 'Buy what you want, not what they tell you that you need'.

crash, out...

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